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In-person Classes

Let's meet for singing & signing in Vancouver!

Note: I bring clean toys to occupy little ones so parents can learn the strategies and signs we cover during class time and incorporate them later at home. Babies can be playing, sitting, laying, moving around inside our classroom, and could also be asleep.






Join my weekly classes around Vancouver, B.C. with other new families and learn the best way to start signing, and keep signing, with success and ease.


You can join Beginner or Intermediate classes depending on your family's signing experience. 


We sing songs, play, and learn interactively in a circle time format.

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Always be the first to see my new classes and registration links by joining my newsletter list here.

Ready to start signing today?

You can join my Baby Signing 101 mini-course ($25) and watch at home in under an hour: all the best strategies +12 starter signs + a BONUS video that solves the most common mistake that often inhibits success when parents start teaching signs to their little ones.

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I don't want you feeling stuck

and I'm happy to help. 

Email me anytime.




to be the first to hear about my baby signing classes & workshops, how-to-sign tips, and more HERE

PHOTOS by Susanne Uliana Photography

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