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 Class Schedule

Come join a Signing Babies  series of classes to learn helpful, everyday sign language for incredible communication success with your baby.

I teach playful, light-hearted classes virtually and in-person in Vancouver, Canada. 


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This 45-minute session teaches  you exactly how to begin signing together at home:

  • 4 quick modules you can watch in less than an hour

  • 12 perfect starter signs to get you going

  • songs to sing together to practice the signs

  • printable song lyrics sheet to follow along

BONUS MODULE: exactly how to avoid the number one mistake parents usually make that sabotages successful signing when first teaching signs to their little ones.

This mini-course is perfect for parents ready to learn how to start signing 12 easy signs with their pre-verbal baby or toddler.

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This 6-part course goes deeply into using signs every day as a new family. We start with the best basics, and continue with signs and songs for diaper changes, bathtime, mealtime, pets, family members, and more. 

  • six 30-minute modules you can watch at your best timing

  • 50 signs for every day activities & routines

  • songs to sing together to practice the signs

  • 6 printable song lyrics sheets to follow along

This full course is designed for parents wanting to learn exactly how to start signing and keep signing together at home with ease. 


These 30-minute classes are full of fun! Babies, toddlers and parents are lead through non-stop songs to practice and play with signs at home together.


All signing levels welcome. 

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  • LAP TIME & ACTION SONGS: spider, star, tickle, stop, jump, moon, climb

  • NATURE: sky, rain, cloud, leaf, tree

  • FOODS: cracker, cheese, cookie, watermelon, grapes

  • ANIMALS: eagle, hippo, snake, squirrel, whale

  • ACTION WORDS: wake up, brush teeth, sit, eat, jump, clap, walk

  • COUNTING 1-10 in ASL

This 6-part course is perfect for families already familiar with basic signs and ready to add more helpful vocabulary to their every day conversations and activities.



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This is the perfect starter course for families new to signing, or feeling stuck using the same few signs. We start with the best basics, and continue with signs and songs for diaper changes, bathtime, mealtime, pets, family members, and more. 


This continuing course teaches more helpful signs for daily conversations and activities like getting dressed, playtime, toys, bedtime, animals, and more for families already familiar with basic signs. 




Email me anytime!


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I don't want you feeling stuck

and I'm happy to help. 

Email me anytime.



to be the first to hear about my baby signing classes & workshops, how-to-sign tips, and more HERE

PHOTOS by Susanne Uliana Photography

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