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Summer Bucket List

My husband and kids & I sat around the table for lunch on a rainy June day and talked about what we wanted to do this summer when the skies finally turned blue and the days were long. Before that, during a quick mommy getaway, I had had an aha! moment realizing it was time for our little family to start having more simple, local adventures and natural world discoveries this summer, not scheduled skills camps. When I was growing up, we didn’t go to daycamp or bike camp or even swimming lessons. Summer was free-play with a capital “F” –hot days spent running through sprinklers, or building forts in the backyard, and playing massive games of hide-and-seek with the neighbourhood kids for hours after dinner. My kids needed some of THAT! So it was time to make a summer bucket list to identify and write down some things we had often forgotten to UN-schedule in the summer, like laying on the grass to watch clouds or stopping to pick berries at the side of the road. But also some local fun around town while we had time to explore our city’s forests and beaches with the rest of the world. Here’s our family’s list we starting compiling that rainy day, and we are still adding items now that summer has started –that’s the spontaneous part! Today we made this big blanket & pillow nest in the backyard as the sun was high in the sky and enjoyed it until the bugs came out this evening.

Every list has to start somewhere…

  • Wake up and watch a sunrise

  • Watch a movie in the backyard (on blankets!)

  • Make a meal only from ingredients gathered at the farmer’s market

  • Look up at the stars laying on blankets

  • Write our names with sparklers

  • Paint rocks & leave them in an unexpected place for someone to find

  • Fly a kite

  • Bake some treats & have an (iced) tea party

  • Go to an outdoor movie

  • Have a sleepover with friends Pick berries, eat berries, pick more berries! Wade barefoot in a cold creek

  • Visit some local tourist attractions we never usually have time for

  • Try a new sport

  • Jump in a lake

  • Ride different local transit -the Seabus, skytrain, Aquabus etc

  • Hike in Lynn Canyon

  • Join the public library’s summer reading club

  • Bike around the seawall Make homemade popsicles

  • Make a summer photo slide show Paint our faces, and arms, and legs

  • Play showercap shaving cream cheesies tossing game and other silly games

  • Make creative s’mores over a campfire

  • Make homemade backyard relay games

  • Paint each other’s toenails Have friends over for a summer sleepover

  • Play the cloud game on the grass

  • Blow bubbles in the bathtub

  • Explore 3 new playgrounds or parks, make obstacle courses

  • Have a waterfight in the back yard -sponges, shooters, & a bin of water

  • Roll down a grassy hill

  • Plan a beach party with our friends

  • Watch a sunset together

I’ll keep posting more items as we add and tick them off the list.

What’s on your summer bucket list?

Send me some ideas!

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PHOTOS by Susanne Uliana Photography

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