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Become a member inside my Sing & Sign Circle

and save on weekly classes on demand!

Searchie SS Membership Logo.png
Want to
stay motivated
signing together
at home?

My SING & SIGN CIRCLE is an affordable family membership where you can join me at a new, live virtual Sing & Sign class on Wednesdays, or watch it later with unlimited access to all of our weekly recorded classes and printables.

(that's $7 a class!)

Each week we'll cover new signs and songs in class, and those weekly classes become a class library for you to watch again and again, any time.

Join Lee Ann Steyns, author and expert Baby Sign Language instructor, for weekly baby sign language classes where we sing, sign and learn new vocabulary in a playful format. 


My best-selling book 'My First Baby Signs'

$9.99 US or $12.99 CAN here

Live class schedule

Our live classes happen on Zoom.


Wednesdays at 3pm PST / 6pm EST


Each and every class is recorded and posted inside our member's hub for members to watch any time after our live class date.


There's already a building library of over 30 recorded Sing & Sign classes for your family to enjoy at your best timing!


We've already covered:

  • Mealtime, fruit, vegetables

  • Clothing & shoes

  • Animals on the farm, at the zoo, in the ocean

  • Bugs & mythical creatures

  • Action words, playground signs

  • Feelings, sharing

  • Vehicles and more!


Included in your Sing & Sign Circle membership:

  • 4 new Sing & Sign classes every month

  • a new printable songs sheet for each class

  • Q&A sessions -ask me anything & get an instant response about your family's signing

  • BONUS: immediate access my Baby Signing 101 course where I teach exactly how to start signing with success in under an hour (perfect for new families feeling stuck with signing, or as a refresher with your second baby)

  • BONUS: immediate access to 6 pre-recorded High 5 Sing & Sign classes where we learn new signs about Nature, Food, Action Words, Animals, counting 1-10, and more, along with playful songs & printable song sheets

Grab your spot in the Sing & Sign Circle

and pay only $28/month as a new member.


(4 Sing & Sign classes every month for $28!)

Feel motivated as you keep learning new signs & songs every week!

  • promote language acquisition

  • enjoy learning together at home

  • stay inspired to sign as a family

  • encourage confidence and calm at home with sign language

Already know you want to join?

Register to become a new member of my Sing & Sign Circle to lock in the low rate of $28/month


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I don't want you feeling stuck

and I'm happy to help. 

Email me anytime.




to be the first to hear about my baby signing classes & workshops, how-to-sign tips, and more HERE

PHOTOS by Susanne Uliana Photography

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