
with Lee Ann Steyns
from some recent
Signing Babies Families
Melanie and daughter Leah, age 8 months (weekly classes, Vancouver)
“I know the classes aren't over yet but I just wanted to say a huge thank you for providing the classes that you do. Me and Leah look forward to them each week as well as your fun and informative emails. We sign daily and sing songs all day long. Leah can be playing away and as soon as I start singing and signing she stops and turns to look at me, she's so precious! I'm really glad I signed up for your class!”
Cassie and son, age 8 months (weekly classes, West Vancouver)
“I started signing 'more' before every spoonful of food and my baby is SO much more cooperative! We've been struggling to get him to eat solids and it was always a battle with a spoonful of purée. He's now opening his mouth and leaning in as soon as I sign 'more' -it's amazing!"
Deanna and daughter Shaelyn, age 10 months (Private Classes, Richmond)
“Lee Ann is a great teacher and has been fantastic with the babies and parents alike. All of the participants enjoyed the first level so much that we arranged for the second level and everyone signed up again. I think my favourite part of Lee Ann's classes is the format. She teaches us new signs, and then we sing songs incorporating the new signs we have learned. The babies all love listening to the songs and watching us sign to them both during the class, and later at home. Anytime I need a means to distract my daughter I am able to use many of the songs and signs from the class and I can immediately get her attention. My daughter is now almost 10 months old and I have recently noticed that she responds to my signs and has even started signing some words herself. What a great feeling for a parent to realize that there is a simple way to communicate with such a young child!”
Follow up letter (April 2015):
"Dear Lee Ann, I just have to share because I know you'll love this as much as I did...
I tuckered Shae out today with a day of fun. At bedtime she was practically asleep before I left the room. When I kissed her and told her I loved her she simply held the "I LOVE YOU" sign up with a smile on her face (eyes closed). I just took her for a final pee before I went to bed. She woke up for it but was still super sleepy and when I put her back in bed she once again threw the "I LOVE YOU" sign my way. No words, eyes closed, no expression...just the sign, and it made me the happiest momma ever. Thank you for helping make that sweet little moment possible!"
Kallen and daughter Verity, age 20 months (weekly classes, Vancouver)
“My baby was 10 months old when we attended Lee Ann's class. We thoroughly enjoyed the class: the songs were fun; the signs taught were relevant and easy to follow; the length of the class was appropriate for the child's attention span. Lee Ann's passion for signing was apparent, and I felt encouraged to persevere to teach my baby sign language even though she did not respond to it in the beginning. It is thrilling now at 20 months to see my baby pointing at pictures in books and making the correct signs (e.g. flower, monkey, butterfly) to tell me what she sees. Her screaming is also eliminated as she is able to tell us what she wants (e.g. more food, help to open a door etc). "
Ashley and daughter Raiya, age 5 months (weekly classes, Circus Play Cafe)
“I find Lee Ann's songs super helpful with my baby. They calm her down in the car, they help get her to sleep and they get her excited for a bath!"
Heather and daughter Holly, age 6 months (Private Classes, Richmond)
"My mommy friends and I were lucky enough to contract Lee Ann Steyns out to teach two lesson sets of Baby Sign Language. My daughter Holly who is now 10 months has benefitted greatly from the classes; making communication so much easier. Lee Ann's program of songs and signs have easy progressions and are applicable in everyday life. She is engaging, fun, reliable and professional. It is without hesitation that I recommend Lee Ann as an instructor for other families. "