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Signing Babies





Getting Started 1-Hour

Baby Sign Language Workshop


This one-hour workshop for new families will get you signing together right away! We look at exactly which signs are best to start with, how to implement them, and the most helpful practice techniques. We'll meet on Zoom and effectively launch your families' communication strategies.

Your baby can be awake or asleep.

$25 per family 

0-24 months


Upcoming Workshops


Saturday April 10

12pm Pacific



Wednesday, April 14

6:30pm Pacific





“We loved Lee Ann's get started workshop -we learned all the starter signs we needed as a family and how to put them right into our day. It was so easy to get started, but the simple explanations of how our baby would learn the signs helped us so much. And she loved the songs, we're hooked!"


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I don't want you feeling stuck

and I'm happy to help. 

Email me anytime.




to be the first to hear about my baby signing classes & workshops, how-to-sign tips, and more HERE

PHOTOS by Susanne Uliana Photography

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